Kokoro Dance Classes
Kokoro Dance trains dancers through classes at KW Studios located in the Woodward’s Heritage Building in downtown Vancouver (111 West Hastings Street). Our classes build strength, flexibility, and stamina, as well as developing technical and performance skills.
Whether you are a beginner or a professional, our classes are on-going research in stretching time and space, understanding form and deviation, using poetic imagery to inform movement, whether through choreography or improvisation. We teach dynamic contemporary dance informed by butoh and ballet.
Fees / Registration Info
Drop in: $15.00
Ten Class Pass: $100.00
Classes are open to anyone and no will will be turned away do to lack of funds.
We ask that you please register and pay if you can afford to though!
We encourage that you register in advance as space is limited. Please select from the options below. For advance registration we accept credit card online. If you wish to pay via eTransfer, please contact us via our contact form and indicate which classes and dates you wish to attend.
For the Ten Class Pass, purchase the pass first then select your classes below and enter your email or code to keep track!
Drop-ins are welcome provided there is space,
and we accept cash, cheque, debit and credit in person.